The call came at 3:30 AM. 36 hours later I was on a flight that would last 8 years.
At the end of Walking in Circles I found happiness and my purpose in life. But I was still unemployed, $120,000 in debt, and no closer to love. Of course the story isn't over! Get a sneak peak at the next adventure, Book Two in the Round Earth series.
From the remote island of Timor-Leste, into a war torn Sri Lanka, and the divided nation of Kosovo, I'm in search of love, conflict and career.
But will I risk too much in my quest for a meaningful life?
If you want to read the First Chapter of the next adventure, know when it is out, and get updates on my current travels, sign up for my Explorers Club. Yes, yes, that sounds overly romantic. I've always wanted to sit in a wood paneled room, sipping whiskey while regaling others with tales of adventure, heartbreak and danger.
Meet Todd
He likes strong coffee, adventures, and the hair he has left.